International Relocation Reading
Read the energies of a specific move to any international location.
Service Description
"Wherever you go, go with all your heart." - Confucius Adventure is an astrologically quantifiable experience in the Universe. Celestial influences and trends orbit around us as we gravitate towards fresh experiences and perspectives. Whether it's to satisfy a calling of fate, or to escape from karmic circumstances, this natural inclination to expand past our borders is ever-present and ever-growing. Cast your astrolocality for an overview of your energies placed anywhere in the world. Use astrological data to analyze the effects of migration on your energies, and augment your planning when travelling for education or career with Cosmic awareness. Take this step if you're searching for new horizons. This Astrology Service requires the following information: 1. Date of Birth 2. *Time of Birth 3. **Hospital or City of Birth The accuracy of the information given will affect the accuracy of this astrology reading and could limit the scope of revelation. *For customers with incomplete birth details, we recommend availing of our Birth Time Rectification service to maximize the potential of your future astrology readings. **City of birth is enough for any astrology reading, but for customers who want to ensure a higher level of accuracy, we can adjust the coordinates of our casting to match the exact location of birth in the Philippines and any part of the World. ***This reading aims to narrow down the best choices for our intended purpose of travel. While you have the option to choose any city or country in the world, we advise that you have clear objectives for travel to facilitate the direction of the discussion.

Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule, please contact us 3 days in advance. Thank you!
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