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Lunar Return Reading for Inner Balance

Realign your inner world to balance your emotions and heal.

  • 1 hour
  • 1,399 Philippine pesos
  • Online Consultation via Zoom

Service Description

“And like the moon, we must go through phases of emptiness to feel full again” As the personal satellite of our planet and our closest heavenly influence, the Moon in astrology is the embodiment of our emotional nature. As its orbit literally influences the tides of the Earth, it regulates the ebb and flow of our internal energies in similar fashion. As the Sun brings the dawn to places meant for waking, the Moon reflects its memory at dusk; to brighten the darkness and illuminate pathways for our dreams 'til morning. This emotional gravitation circulates all perspectives until it returns to its place in the sky at the moment of your birth. This astrological moment is defined as a Lunar Return, and it reflects your most genuine inner nature. The analysis of your Lunar Return allows you to internalize the path of the Moon, empowering you to reconnect with your intentions; allowing them to unfold over the course of the next month. Take this Step if you want to reconnect with your inner self. This Astrology Service requires the following information: 1. Date of Birth 2. *Time of Birth 3. **Hospital or City of Birth The accuracy of the information given will affect the accuracy of this astrology reading and could limit the scope of revelation. *For customers with incomplete birth details, we recommend availing of our Birth Time Rectification service to maximize the potential of your future astrology readings. **City of birth is enough for any astrology reading, but for customers who want to ensure a higher level of accuracy, we can adjust the coordinates of our casting to match the exact location of birth in the Philippines and any part of the World.

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule, please contact us 3 days in advance. Thank you!

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