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Zodiac Signs Dates for 2021: Learn About the Basics of Sun Signs

Writer's picture: Ms. VMs. V

Updated: Jun 29, 2021

Artworks by Ross Bruggink.

If you're wondering why the Zodiac Sign dates change depending on the year, here's the reason why.

In Western Astrology, there are 12 sections na tig-30° each na bumubuo sa 360° orbit ng Earth sa Sun. Ito yung 12 Zodiac Signs that we know as Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. Yung Sun Sign sa Natal Chart ay nadedetermine based on which constellation the Sun was on the date of birth.

Ibig sabihin nito, hindi nakabase ang Sun Sign sa dates kundi sa kung nasaang constellation nakatapat ang Araw nung date na iyon. Kaya importante ring i-note na hindi magbabago ang Sun Sign mo kada taon kahit na mag-iba man ang date ng pasok ng Sun sa constellation on some years. For example, if you were born September 23, most likely Libra ka. Pero merong mga years na pwedeng nag-leave ang Sun sa Virgo a day later kaya merong mga September 23 na Virgo.

Para sa mga ipinanganak at ipapanganak ngayong 2021, ito ang magiging Zodiac Sun Sign nila:

ARIES ZODIAC SIGN DATES: March 21 - April 19

Duality: Masculine

Triplicity (Element): Fire

Quadruplicity (Quality): Cardinal

Ruling Planet: Mars

Symbol: Ram

You have an assertive and direct energy, with the urge to be constantly doing something. Self-motivated and enterprising, you like being where the action is and taking the initiative. Naturally bold and courageous, you will often take risks and attempt things that others find daunting. You have a competitive spirit and like to mentally and physically challenge yourself and others. You can also display recklessness and experience difficulties through impatience.

Aries illustration by Chib on DeviantArt.


Duality: Feminine

Triplicity (Element): Earth

Quadruplicity (Quality): Fixed

Ruling Planet: Venus

Symbol: Bull

You have a down-to-earth nature, coupled with a strong urge to secure comfortable life circumstances. Financial matters are important to you. You like to manage your assets on your own because you have a natural understanding of value. You are generally a patient and conservative person that doesn't anger easily, but you become a force to be reckoned with when pushed too far. You tend to prefer the status quo, and can be quite inflexible and stubborn when you want to be.

Taurus illustration by Chib on DeviantArt.


Duality: Masculine

Triplicity (Element): Air

Quadruplicity (Quality): Mutable

Ruling Planet: Mercury

Symbol: Twins

You have an intellectual attitude to life, with mental alertness and an enthusiasm for learning. Always curious, your interests can range from the sublime to the ridiculous. You enjoy change and variety with respect to friends and acquaintances and would benefit from an active and dynamic social life.

Gemini illustration by Chib on DeviantArt.


Duality: Feminine

Triplicity (Element): Water

Quadruplicity (Quality): Cardinal

Ruling Planet: Moon

Symbol: Crab

You place great importance on emotional and material security and have a strong desire to settle down and stay close to your roots. Domestic and family matters are always important to you, as is your need to care for and protect your safe space. Your actions and decisions are usually emotionally motivated, but your instincts and intuitions are especially acute. You can be overly-emotional, particularly when feeling vulnerable and weak.

Cancer illustration by Chib on DeviantArt.

LEO ZODIAC SIGN DATES: July 23 - August 22

Duality: Masculine

Triplicity (Element): Fire

Quadruplicity (Quality): Fixed

Ruling Planet: Sun

Symbol: Lion

You are creative in the broadest sense of the word and motivated by the urge to make your mark on the world and to gain a measure of personal recognition and power. You have a desire to be at the centre of attention or in the limelight. At your best, you are self-assured, self-confident, out-going, sociable and companionable, but also you can be proud, status-conscious, arrogant and susceptible to flattery. You exude authority and are a natural leader and organiser who can make decisions.

Leo illustration by Chib on DeviantArt.

VIRGO ZODIAC SIGN DATES: August 23 - September 22

Duality: Feminine

Triplicity (Element): Earth

Quadruplicity (Quality): Mutable

Ruling Planet: Mercury

Symbol: Virgin

You set yourself high standards, especially in your discipline and work ethic. You have a highly analytical mind, coupled with an appreciation of order and a practical approach to things. Precise and exacting work is your forte and you are exceptionally talented when attention to detail is required. You are well suited to specialised work and are likely to gain recognition by virtue of merit. You have a critical nature and the ability to offer constructive criticism wherever appropriate.

Virgo illustration by Chib on DeviantArt.

LIBRA ZODIAC SIGN DATES: September 23 - October 24

Duality: Masculine

Triplicity (Element): Air

Quadruplicity (Quality): Cardinal

Ruling Planet: Venus

Symbol: Scales

You have well-developed social skills and are motivated by a desire for personal, social and relationship harmony. You prefer the company of others to solitude and enjoy social occasions and outings. Your natural inclination to appreciate both sides of any situation enables you to be objective and impartial. You have an aesthetic and refined sense, with an appreciation of the finer things in life and beauty and the arts.

Libra illustration by Chib on DeviantArt.

SCORPIO ZODIAC SIGN DATES: October 24 - November 23

Duality: Feminine

Triplicity (Element): Water

Quadruplicity (Quality): Fixed

Ruling Planet: Pluto

Symbol: Scorpion

You are intense, magnetic and insightful. You feel things deeply and are genuinely passionate about the things that interest you the most. You have great powers of perseverance and tenacity, and everything you achieve is earned. Conflicts with others are common-place, but you are steadfast in adversity and take pride in coping with life's challenges. You have an all-or-nothing attitude to most things and will give something your complete commitment when you put your faith into it.

Scorpio illustration by Chib on DeviantArt.

SAGITTARIUS ZODIAC SIGN DATES: November 23 - December 22

Duality: Masculine

Triplicity (Element): Fire

Quadruplicity (Quality): Mutable

Ruling Planet: Jupiter

Symbol: Archer

You are a seeker of truth, knowledge and wisdom, with a philosophical outlook on life and a deep interest in spiritual matters. You expand your personal horizons through mobility, travel and higher learning. Your expansively open-minded perspective expresses itself in optimism and honesty; but you can also be misconstrued as insensitive or tactless at times. Underneath the high-spirited restlessness is a heart of adventure that deeply values freedom and resents restriction.

Sagittarius illustration by Chib on DeviantArt.

CAPRICORN ZODIAC SIGN DATES: December 22 - January 21

Duality: Feminine

Triplicity (Element): Earth

Quadruplicity (Quality): Cardinal

Ruling Planet: Saturn

Symbol: Goat

You have a serious nature, with a marked sense of reality about life. You recognise that anything worth pursuing requires self-discipline and hard work. Naturally conservative, you have a strong sense of right and wrong and of correct and proper behaviour. Tenacity and endurance usually reward you with desired successes. You are ambitious for material security and like to see concrete results for your efforts.

Capricorn illustration by Chib on DeviantArt.

AQUARIUS ZODIAC SIGN DATES: January 21 - February 21

Duality: Masculine

Triplicity (Element): Air

Quadruplicity (Quality): Fixed

Ruling Planet: Uranus

Symbol: Water Bearer

You have an acute intuition and a keen knowledge of human nature, with an intuitive understanding of other people. Motivated by a sense of equity and fairness towards others, you tend to treat people as equals. Ahead of your time, you have a progressive outlook, naturally drawn to making things better for everyone in some way.

Aquarius illustration by Chib on DeviantArt.

PISCES ZODIAC SIGN DATES: February 21 - March 21

Duality: Feminine

Triplicity (Element): Water

Quadruplicity (Quality): Mutable

Ruling Planet: Neptune

Symbol: Two Fishes

You have a sensitive and emotional nature with a great depth of feeling and empathy. You have genuine concern for the needs of others and possess a high degree of tolerance and a readiness to forgive. You have a great deal of imagination as a natural born dreamer, but you often harbour unspoken wishes and desires. You are socially elusive and evasive; to such an extent that people think you’re a bit of a pushover. You dislike confrontations and tend to avoid strict routines and restrictions.

Pisces illustration by Chib on DeviantArt.

These dates can also be used in following other transits. If you want to know your Sun Sign, the easiest way is to download Astrology apps like Luna. Hope this helps!

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